Nonsense, I know, or as the Russians say "chepukha". Surely technology is the very antithesis of Is, many of the technophobes amongst you are now in the process of... of...
There's probably a word to describe what it is you're doing but I've been guided not to dwell on it. I understand your pain, your angst, your silent rebellion against technology, and I'm one with you all the way to the ipad store, and yet, there's a kind of technology which is not based on the algorithm of captive electrons, plastic screens and microprocessing - which is in harmony with nature, the cosmos, the isness of be - and it's waiting to be discovered right now.
Join me as I embark on the great quest for 0=1... the technology of Is...
Let's keep it simple. It has to be integrated to conscious-awareness. It has to be universal. It has to be full of heart and soul, so let's loosen the buckle on our belt of definitions, and start by accepting that technology can be anything that assists in the bringing forth the unlimited power of consciousness into the realm of our awareness.
Recently I've been with a monastery choir - singing four different parts in close proximity. The harmonics, the interweavings of sound are so palpable there's absolutely no doubt that sound is one of the most prospective areas for development. The technology of sound is a key segment of the technology of Is.
Working with stones, crystals, drums, sticks, plants, images and any other simple objects or devices is a good starting place. Begin to see and show how the simplest things can harness/ release/ channel the technology of Is and it's easy to refine them at a later date - but start by keeping it simple. We need to get the basics in order - the basis. The house will build itself once the foundation is laid. All that is required at the outset is the clear intention.

With the technology of Is we can fly to the stars, we can heal diseases of mind, body or spirit, we can generate energy, increase the yield of plants, regulate the weather, build buildings... anything that is in harmony with the isness of Be, but nothing that requires force or perversion of natural beauty, natural order, natural harmony - such is the nature of this technology. It only has power to bring forth what is good, in accordance with that which truly is.
And what is good? I hear you say.
I know not. Tis no matter. What is good is good, but none can say what - for there are no definitions or rules governing what might be good. The technology of Is is a process of discovery - of revealing, bringing forth the good in all things, all situations, for the simple joy, the magic, the beauty of doing so, without profit or any other material motive.
Naturally, it's a personal, unique journey of discovery for each of us - as life itself is.
Instead of divorcing 1s and 0s as our computers currently do using the linear logic gates of off and on, we're harnessing the spiral, the octave, the biology of curve, of smile and cuckoo la la to discover the magic within all, no matter what. This requires a change of heart. A shift of consciousness. It requires fun and laughter. The release of pain and grief. The embracing of all that is good, as opposed to all that is bad.
Join me on the trail of de-light. We do not need large government funded laboratories, PhDs or a cut-throat profit motive to unleash the power, the wonder, the seems-like-magic of Is. All we need, all that is required is the right starting point - an acceptance of the simple truth.
The simple truth? What on Earth could that be.
It has to be obvious - so incredibly obvious that people tend to overlook it in the search for something grander, something more in line with the vanity of mind. Mind after all likes to grapple with complexity, to show that it can handle and master what other minds tried but failed to. Mind, like great generals, prefers to lead forth an army to conquer rather than win the hearts of neighbouring folk. Mind likes to impose its vision on reality, rather than coax reality to reveal itself in all its latent splendour. We need to be more like gardeners than conquistadores. To coax nature to share her secrets.
But that's not going to get us to the stars or give us free energy.
No? Try suspending your disbelief. Try affirming the opposite, that it can and will. Nothing could be simpler. Nature is everything. Once we start working in peace and harmony with that which is... all limits, all boundaries of space and time, all laws of physics, chemistry, biology, even maths become malleable. They are only set in stone when we are compelled to rigidly adhere to the precepts of material reality. Once we accept that 0=1, it is ‒ I am, then the engine of consciousness itself - what I refer to as conscious awareness, takes us wherever we need to go.
And what do need to do this?
Nothing in particular. A heart ready for the grand adventure. A mind that is not bound by any laws, codes or systems of thought - that is free to explore what is.
And that's all?
And er... gnomiki.
Gnomiki - you're kidding, right.
No. You need a guide - the infinite is accessible to all, but without gnomiki we tend to lose our way and fail to assimilate, to bring back into awareness what we have learnt.
But come on, gnomiki, it seems kind of dumb!
Doesn't it just. I couldn't agree more - but I've not found a better way, and believe me, you'll get over the culture shock of gnomiki pretty quickly once you discover what you can achieve with their help.
But don't they have some kind of hidden agenda.
Which is?
Fun. They wanna have fun, and they can do that by guiding us into whatever aspect of the infinite can best transform us and our reality from the current state of anally retentive dogmatism, to the glorious, splendiferous isness of Be. They wanna rock the boat, not sink it, and help us discover that it can float - that it ain't fixed to the ground. At the very least they'll help you to develop your sense of humour to the point you're finally able to have a good laugh at yourself ;-)

There's probably a word to describe what it is you're doing but I've been guided not to dwell on it. I understand your pain, your angst, your silent rebellion against technology, and I'm one with you all the way to the ipad store, and yet, there's a kind of technology which is not based on the algorithm of captive electrons, plastic screens and microprocessing - which is in harmony with nature, the cosmos, the isness of be - and it's waiting to be discovered right now.
Join me as I embark on the great quest for 0=1... the technology of Is...
Let's keep it simple. It has to be integrated to conscious-awareness. It has to be universal. It has to be full of heart and soul, so let's loosen the buckle on our belt of definitions, and start by accepting that technology can be anything that assists in the bringing forth the unlimited power of consciousness into the realm of our awareness.
Recently I've been with a monastery choir - singing four different parts in close proximity. The harmonics, the interweavings of sound are so palpable there's absolutely no doubt that sound is one of the most prospective areas for development. The technology of sound is a key segment of the technology of Is.
Working with stones, crystals, drums, sticks, plants, images and any other simple objects or devices is a good starting place. Begin to see and show how the simplest things can harness/ release/ channel the technology of Is and it's easy to refine them at a later date - but start by keeping it simple. We need to get the basics in order - the basis. The house will build itself once the foundation is laid. All that is required at the outset is the clear intention.
With the technology of Is we can fly to the stars, we can heal diseases of mind, body or spirit, we can generate energy, increase the yield of plants, regulate the weather, build buildings... anything that is in harmony with the isness of Be, but nothing that requires force or perversion of natural beauty, natural order, natural harmony - such is the nature of this technology. It only has power to bring forth what is good, in accordance with that which truly is.
And what is good? I hear you say.
I know not. Tis no matter. What is good is good, but none can say what - for there are no definitions or rules governing what might be good. The technology of Is is a process of discovery - of revealing, bringing forth the good in all things, all situations, for the simple joy, the magic, the beauty of doing so, without profit or any other material motive.
Naturally, it's a personal, unique journey of discovery for each of us - as life itself is.
Instead of divorcing 1s and 0s as our computers currently do using the linear logic gates of off and on, we're harnessing the spiral, the octave, the biology of curve, of smile and cuckoo la la to discover the magic within all, no matter what. This requires a change of heart. A shift of consciousness. It requires fun and laughter. The release of pain and grief. The embracing of all that is good, as opposed to all that is bad.
Join me on the trail of de-light. We do not need large government funded laboratories, PhDs or a cut-throat profit motive to unleash the power, the wonder, the seems-like-magic of Is. All we need, all that is required is the right starting point - an acceptance of the simple truth.
The simple truth? What on Earth could that be.
It has to be obvious - so incredibly obvious that people tend to overlook it in the search for something grander, something more in line with the vanity of mind. Mind after all likes to grapple with complexity, to show that it can handle and master what other minds tried but failed to. Mind, like great generals, prefers to lead forth an army to conquer rather than win the hearts of neighbouring folk. Mind likes to impose its vision on reality, rather than coax reality to reveal itself in all its latent splendour. We need to be more like gardeners than conquistadores. To coax nature to share her secrets.
But that's not going to get us to the stars or give us free energy.
No? Try suspending your disbelief. Try affirming the opposite, that it can and will. Nothing could be simpler. Nature is everything. Once we start working in peace and harmony with that which is... all limits, all boundaries of space and time, all laws of physics, chemistry, biology, even maths become malleable. They are only set in stone when we are compelled to rigidly adhere to the precepts of material reality. Once we accept that 0=1, it is ‒ I am, then the engine of consciousness itself - what I refer to as conscious awareness, takes us wherever we need to go.
And what do need to do this?
Nothing in particular. A heart ready for the grand adventure. A mind that is not bound by any laws, codes or systems of thought - that is free to explore what is.
And that's all?
And er... gnomiki.
Gnomiki - you're kidding, right.
No. You need a guide - the infinite is accessible to all, but without gnomiki we tend to lose our way and fail to assimilate, to bring back into awareness what we have learnt.
But come on, gnomiki, it seems kind of dumb!
Doesn't it just. I couldn't agree more - but I've not found a better way, and believe me, you'll get over the culture shock of gnomiki pretty quickly once you discover what you can achieve with their help.
But don't they have some kind of hidden agenda.
Which is?
Fun. They wanna have fun, and they can do that by guiding us into whatever aspect of the infinite can best transform us and our reality from the current state of anally retentive dogmatism, to the glorious, splendiferous isness of Be. They wanna rock the boat, not sink it, and help us discover that it can float - that it ain't fixed to the ground. At the very least they'll help you to develop your sense of humour to the point you're finally able to have a good laugh at yourself ;-)