The dust has settled, beloved g-nomers, since the initial launch of g-nomeportal. Water has passed under the bridge and time has healed the sores of repeated encounters with the "should-be unknowable".
Such is the nature of change. All of a sudden the inconceivable, the unthinkable comes onto the radar screen and is no longer, er... inconceivable or er... unknowable. Au contraire, she - as opposed to "it" requires assimilation, digestion, absorption. We have to bring her into our field of conscious-awareness - no matter how awkward she, as opposed to "it", may seem.
Why she? - I hear the question as I always do - wafting through the sub-ether of unity consciousness - and what can I say? The unknowable is to a great extent "she" as opposed to "it" - though I'm at a loss as to how to explain this.
There are nay-sayers and doubters out there, and even, I tremble to add, among the faithful readers of g-nomeportal - intrepid pursuers of transcendental wisdom and interdimensional ghoulash that you mostly are, who stubbornly hold to the conviction that the unknowable cannot become knowable, that there are constants and reality is one of these - but I like to think of reality as a magic carpet flying over a vast bewildering landscape of whatever-may-be. Actually I rather like the term "what-not" but feel free to use "whatever-may-be" if you prefer.
Er... this carpet pauses a moment here, flies on, pauses there - and why it does so, or how long it pauses for is beyond the ken of mortal mind - yet we like to convince ourselves that it all makes perfect sense, which undoubtedly it does, and that the carpet it bound by certain laws to bring to our attention segments of landscape that are rationally consistent with whatever has preceded. This is the main purpose of science - to prove that this is so - that the carpet's choice of what-not is in fact perfectly rational - and that we are moving forward, "progressing" to use the in word - for we are better and better able to understand the carpet's rationale.
Er... except that we've a tendency to ignore anything we don't really understand - anything that doesn't seem to be consistent with what has preceded it. The scientists, God bless them, have set up data parameters regarding what constitutes acceptable or relevant data. That way they are able to filter out anything that doesn't meet their expectations, unless it gets so big and obvious that it can be ignored no longer. Er... for example crop circles, UFOs or advanced ancient civilisations. These have all come to light and been excluded by scientists in the hope that they'll disappear or become rational in accordance with the current system of plausible rationality.
"Plausible rationality"?
Yes - it's great isn't it. Plausible means it must be believable. Neither crop circles, UFOs nor advanced ancient civilisations are believable within the current system of plausible rationality and so they are excluded from notice, analysis, debate or research. Just ignored. Swept under the carpet, so to speak. The belief system in operation, which determines what is or is not plausible is fairly rigid - and gets more and more rigid the more reality shifts - for reality isn't supposed to shift. It's supposed to be constant - like the speed of light or gravity - neither of which, in fact, happen to be constant - though they're supposed to be.
Er... embarrassed shuffling of feet. So where are we? What are we doing? Where go we from here?
Good question.
Er... questions. Three in fact.
Three and one - one and three - speaking transparently and somewhat paradoxically mystically. We have two options - the ostrich option of sticking our heads in the sand and hoping reality's going to behave, or facing "what is" - whatever that might be. Up until now the choice has been the former. "It shouldn't be there. It ain't real."
Reality's being really patient. She's gently, irrevocably forcing us to start facing uncomfortable truths - she's showing her hand more and more clearly - as reality refuses to conform with our expectations of what she should be. A bit like Jesus Christ failing to conform to the Jewish establishment's concept of what the messiah should be like. We're no different - we'd kill him if we could, but it's hard to kill reality. It's the goose that lays the golden egg. We can play the outraged, affronted, incensed "it ain't fair, it ain't right, it ain't proper - I'm not playing any more" or... we can get real.
Make your choice. Actually, you've already made it if you've bothered to read this far, so er... congratulations - you're about to undergo a massive, sustained, full-frontal reality attack which would be terrifying, horrendous, unthinkable and any other hyper-inflated epithet you may wish to use, were it not for the fact that this is your home.
Er... my home?
Er... yes, beloved one. Did I not tell you - you are her daughter/ son. You are the child of reality. She cannot present you with anything you're not designed to handle. So, instead of yawn and samey same, it's time for "what the star star asterisk star", whoopeeeeee, don't forget to fasten your seatbelt Dorothy, Kansas city byeeee. As you can see the eeee sound is this week's flavour of the month.

Thanks for flying with g-nomeportal intergalactic transdimensional vacuum hopper express. Remember, the other side of "is" is just a few hops across the lilly pond of mind's matter, so lighten up, feel your natural state of I be free, and press the release button that's been holding you in the corporate confinement of "it cannot be", on the count of three.
1... 2... thr
Such is the nature of change. All of a sudden the inconceivable, the unthinkable comes onto the radar screen and is no longer, er... inconceivable or er... unknowable. Au contraire, she - as opposed to "it" requires assimilation, digestion, absorption. We have to bring her into our field of conscious-awareness - no matter how awkward she, as opposed to "it", may seem.
Why she? - I hear the question as I always do - wafting through the sub-ether of unity consciousness - and what can I say? The unknowable is to a great extent "she" as opposed to "it" - though I'm at a loss as to how to explain this.
There are nay-sayers and doubters out there, and even, I tremble to add, among the faithful readers of g-nomeportal - intrepid pursuers of transcendental wisdom and interdimensional ghoulash that you mostly are, who stubbornly hold to the conviction that the unknowable cannot become knowable, that there are constants and reality is one of these - but I like to think of reality as a magic carpet flying over a vast bewildering landscape of whatever-may-be. Actually I rather like the term "what-not" but feel free to use "whatever-may-be" if you prefer.
Er... this carpet pauses a moment here, flies on, pauses there - and why it does so, or how long it pauses for is beyond the ken of mortal mind - yet we like to convince ourselves that it all makes perfect sense, which undoubtedly it does, and that the carpet it bound by certain laws to bring to our attention segments of landscape that are rationally consistent with whatever has preceded. This is the main purpose of science - to prove that this is so - that the carpet's choice of what-not is in fact perfectly rational - and that we are moving forward, "progressing" to use the in word - for we are better and better able to understand the carpet's rationale.
Er... except that we've a tendency to ignore anything we don't really understand - anything that doesn't seem to be consistent with what has preceded it. The scientists, God bless them, have set up data parameters regarding what constitutes acceptable or relevant data. That way they are able to filter out anything that doesn't meet their expectations, unless it gets so big and obvious that it can be ignored no longer. Er... for example crop circles, UFOs or advanced ancient civilisations. These have all come to light and been excluded by scientists in the hope that they'll disappear or become rational in accordance with the current system of plausible rationality.
"Plausible rationality"?
Yes - it's great isn't it. Plausible means it must be believable. Neither crop circles, UFOs nor advanced ancient civilisations are believable within the current system of plausible rationality and so they are excluded from notice, analysis, debate or research. Just ignored. Swept under the carpet, so to speak. The belief system in operation, which determines what is or is not plausible is fairly rigid - and gets more and more rigid the more reality shifts - for reality isn't supposed to shift. It's supposed to be constant - like the speed of light or gravity - neither of which, in fact, happen to be constant - though they're supposed to be.
Er... embarrassed shuffling of feet. So where are we? What are we doing? Where go we from here?
Good question.
Er... questions. Three in fact.
Three and one - one and three - speaking transparently and somewhat paradoxically mystically. We have two options - the ostrich option of sticking our heads in the sand and hoping reality's going to behave, or facing "what is" - whatever that might be. Up until now the choice has been the former. "It shouldn't be there. It ain't real."
Reality's being really patient. She's gently, irrevocably forcing us to start facing uncomfortable truths - she's showing her hand more and more clearly - as reality refuses to conform with our expectations of what she should be. A bit like Jesus Christ failing to conform to the Jewish establishment's concept of what the messiah should be like. We're no different - we'd kill him if we could, but it's hard to kill reality. It's the goose that lays the golden egg. We can play the outraged, affronted, incensed "it ain't fair, it ain't right, it ain't proper - I'm not playing any more" or... we can get real.
Make your choice. Actually, you've already made it if you've bothered to read this far, so er... congratulations - you're about to undergo a massive, sustained, full-frontal reality attack which would be terrifying, horrendous, unthinkable and any other hyper-inflated epithet you may wish to use, were it not for the fact that this is your home.
Er... my home?
Er... yes, beloved one. Did I not tell you - you are her daughter/ son. You are the child of reality. She cannot present you with anything you're not designed to handle. So, instead of yawn and samey same, it's time for "what the star star asterisk star", whoopeeeeee, don't forget to fasten your seatbelt Dorothy, Kansas city byeeee. As you can see the eeee sound is this week's flavour of the month.
Thanks for flying with g-nomeportal intergalactic transdimensional vacuum hopper express. Remember, the other side of "is" is just a few hops across the lilly pond of mind's matter, so lighten up, feel your natural state of I be free, and press the release button that's been holding you in the corporate confinement of "it cannot be", on the count of three.
1... 2... thr